Dealing with energies around. An art ... or a lesson of life?! … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Everything i write … i write with the purpose of clearly defining for myself what is life about.

And there are times when i believe … i found the answers … then i smile cause other lessons of life appear and i need to pass other tests also.

I should define all those tests as … illusions … and by a while i started to understand that learning in fact to deal with all the energies around me is one of the most important thing from life.

While exploring my life and everything that means … i realized that i am usually impressed only by very beautiful or very bad things that appears on my timeline.

For the rest … i really don’t care so much.

But i still get annoyed by years of different silly things … and can’t find a real answer for that.

When it comes to beautiful things … i am difficult to be impressed, but i still smile all the time when i see the beauty of positive elements in the scene.

I continue my path … even if i am not easily impressed, but i pay attention to all around.

I just don’t let all i see to influence my life … but still … i am happy and nervous few times a day … which actually means

that i am still dominated by the outside world.

And more i try to fix that … more useless becomes the whole process.

I see myself becoming a … Don Quixote that is fighting with the windmills.

And i start living like … “Once upon a time in a land far away…”.

I believe i clearly see the story and the characters of the story … and on that timeline … in the course of their travels, the protagonists meet innkeepers, prostitutes, goat-herders, soldiers, priests, escaped convicts and scorned lovers. The aforementioned characters sometimes tell tales that incorporate events from the real world.

Their encounters are magnified by Don Quixote’s imagination into chivalrous quests. Don Quixote’s tendency to intervene violently in matters irrelevant to himself, and his habit of not paying debts, result in privations, injuries, and humiliations (with Sancho often the victim).

And even if I realize while exploring that everything is an illusion … i keep acting as Don Quixote.

… but i also have good days when i believe i should decide to understand something from those lessons of life … and start to practice the art of interacting with all the energies around.

And then … i see the balance again … reality on one side and the illusion on the other side.

Or maybe .. is the same thing.

Download the book ”Exploring ourselves … we will understand what life is about” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.

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